White's Armory

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This page documents all the useful armor setups I have concocted since reaching HR6. Most of them rely on talismans, so your ability to replicate or exceed what is listed here depends on what you find during your hunts. Note that these are all High Rank armor sets.

There are a few guidelines behind reading the charts. First of all, the helmet version will always be indicated as either (B) for blademaster or (G) for gunner. The rest of the armor will not be indicated since its obvious what you can or can't equip with a melee weapon or ranged weapon. Additionally I may make notes (*) that will indicate interesting points or optional configurations that will further increase the effectiveness of the particular set.

Show/Hide Blademaster Sets.

Show/Hide Gunner Sets.


Unknown said...

Nice format there mate! thanks for sharing! you're the best!

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