Saturday, February 19, 2011

Too hip to be a hipster.

Next time a hipster asks you if you've heard of a random band, say yes. Perplexed the hipster will ask you to name a song, not believing you actually have heard of the band. Casually reply, "I don't know, I don't concern myself with labels." Walk away. You have just out douched a hipster. Buy yourself a cookie. You damn sure earned it....

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

No Glass Shard Left Behind

So for those of you who know me personally, you may know that since about one year old I've had a shard of glass in my heel. Its either due to possible nerve damage from removing it or negligence, the reason is unclear but that is neither here nor there.Where the little guy livesThe main point is to have a concrete name for the little guy before I turn 21. So any name you can think of, please submit it to me before August of this year. Go on. Do it. I dare y...

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Dark Souls Announced!

If you know anything about Demon's Souls, you probably already know that Dark Souls is coming. It was announced a few days ago by Namco Bandai and it certainly looks promising. From Software obviously realized it did great with Demon's Souls, and if you're like me- you're dying to see Dark Souls. Be warned however! This will not be Demon's Souls 2, they made it very clear that Dark Souls will be a spiritual successor rather than a sequel. However the visual style, gameplay, and difficulty will certainly be back..... and improved! Well let's cut to the chase, what exactly is different? Difficulty: -The game will be significantly harder...

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