Monday, December 6, 2010

New Map Layout Has Been Finalized, and Announcements

As the title suggests, we have picked a new layout and overall design of the maps, for increased legibility and clarity. Expect much higher resolution images with easily discernible icons for quick and easy use.

It takes about an hour or so to convert each map to the new layout, and a half hour or so to transcribe the gather locations, so it will take some time. Also there will be another run or two for each map as a quality check, so I put the ETA at sometime this coming Saturday, Dec 11th.

Also the next MHP3 livestream event may also be this weekend. I will need to check with Black on it, but if all is well, we'll be duo-ing some guild missions while still doing the same monster/weapon request format (or at least I probably will). Either way, I did my Jinouga urgent earlier and now have access to more monsters. So that will also be a viable plan in case Black cannot join for guild quest fun.

Additionally a new reviews section may be going up sometime soon. As soon as I scrape up some new HTML to supplement what we have right now that supports drop down menus for the nav bar. We'll see.


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