Sunday, December 5, 2010

What to Do Next...?

So the first scheduled stream was a great success. A good many people showed up and our jolly crew discovered and saw many-a-thing in MHP3. But the question remains: what to do now?

I was thinking maybe doing something with Red Dead. Either just doing some good 'ol zombies or maybe doing a short video about shoving hookers  into table/innocent bystanders into oncoming wagons/inventors who construct gliders near dangerous cliffs... oh the possibilities! I did rent Epic Mickey, but have yet to try it. I've heard mixed reviews, but we'll see. Mayhap I'll do a review of it.

Either way, Black should be coming up with something soon. At least thats what I think he said. I'll have to ask him. Once finals are over, I will be able to add a large amount of content, so that will be good. Until then, check back every so often to see if theres anything new!


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