Friday, January 28, 2011

5 Reason Why I Hate You While I'm In A Supermarket

And for future reference: Do NOT pick a cart, and then bottleneck the entrance.If you are not prepared to enter the supermarket, DON'T! By stopping and adjusting your coat or scarf or whatever, you are making me wait behind you. I can almost guarantee you can do whatever the hell you are doing while walking. At least move your cart so your fat ass is out of the way! Go defenestrate yourself.2. Don't block an aisle.If you have to stop your cart in an aisle to get something, make sure its not next to another cart. Seriously. The aisle is only about two and a half carts wide. Stop being such a dick....

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Click to enlar...

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Hawk... Vlog?!?!?

Wanna hear the random thoughts of a crazy person while he's eating? TOO BAD HERE IT IS...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Meow meowmeow, meowmeowmeow? MEOW MEOW! Meeeeeeeeooooooooooow!

Monday, January 10, 2011

New Videos Soon!

One by Friday night and the next within a week! I still have a better record than VG Cats...

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Armory Expansion Continues, Other News

Well, needless to say I'm pleased with how the Armory is turning out. The newest additions are the "Vicious Element" setups, which utilize Element Attack Up in conjunction with X Element +2 to get the most out of your high element weapons. (Yes. They do stack.) Personally, I use the Vicious Flex Element setup gemmed with Dragon Attack +2 along with Divine Exodus to solo Akantor. It may not be the fastest, but it's damn fun and gets the job done when I need some parts but don't want to spend excess time on AHP. In other news, I've been looking around about my Photoshop problems and no help. Probably gonna have to reinstall it. The issue...

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Site Renovations: New Layout and Pages

As you can probably tell, the site now has another sidebar, as well as the the first stage of White's Armory like I said. So as the place gets more useful content, it will fold nicely into this new format. Some of the original navbar items will be changed or removed completely. So after the death of my laptop, I come back home to find that my Photoshop has gone mad. Which has setback further work on the maps as well as anything else graphically. I used Pixlr Editor to do some of the sidebar items which is fantastic program that is free to use. Layout/Map updates to come when Photoshop's up and running again. Armory updates also to come...

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Updates. Computer funeral.

Okay. So, lots of nothing happening since my laptop died over the holidays. Now that I can actually do things, I hope to do quite a few things. First-off, another comic of a nonsense occurrence that happened while playing MHP3 on AdHoc Party with my good pal FishTiCuffs. Armored Battlesquirrel Approves. Second and more important. I look to expand the MHP3 section of the site with a new "White's Armory" section with the various useful armor combinations I've constructed since hitting HR6. There are a few nice ones, such as my [Evade+2, Marathon Runner, Stamina Regen Up, Focus] set. All in all I hope to put maybe a dozen armor sets...

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